Drinking Green Drinks

With the new year in full swing, I am thinking about drinking green drinks. I've turned to juicing expert and founder of Juice Generation in NYC and Cooler Cleanse, Eric Helms, for the best ways to drink your greens and have them taste great. Packed with essential vitamins, nutrients, incorporating “green drinks” into your diet will keep you feeling and looking great this summer.

The Benefits of Drinking Green Drinks

[caption id="attachment_10793" align="alignleft" width="231"]Drinking Green Drinks Drinking Green Drinks[/caption]

Dark green vegetables contain a rainbow of vitamins and minerals essential for the cleansing functions of the kidneys and liver. Dark, leafy greens also give the system loads of water-soluble fiber to sweep toxins out. These greens are highly alkalizing to your cells—countering the damage done by the corrosive acidic waste products from meat, sugar, dairy and other common foods.

Helms says, “Customers are typically intimidated by the idea of a green drink” and that he and his team are constantly thinking of new ways to encourage customers to give green a chance.

Green Drink Recipes

Hale To Kale- from the menu at Juice Generation’s new Equinox location in NYC

Ingredients of Hale to Kale

  • 2 handfuls of kale

  • 1 apple

  • 1/4 lemon

  • 8oz watermelon juice

Instructions for Hale to Kale

Bunch up kale and push through juicer with apple.  Follow with watermelon and lemon. Scrape off the foam and serve over ice. Makes 12oz serving.


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