Success story - Lauren

Here is a very detailed success story of Lauren. Lauren used Weight Watchers to not only lose weight but to also get stronger and change how she viewed herself in life.

When Lauren joined Weight Watchers, she thought she might lose a little weight. Little did she know that by dropping pounds she'd gain "physical strength, confidence, energy and knowledge about being healthy!"

I never worried about my weight growing up – I ate as much as I wanted and never packed on a pound. But when I was pregnant with my second child, I gained around 40 pounds and had a lot of trouble slimming down. When my daughter went off to kindergarten, I knew I could no longer use her birth as an excuse for not shedding that last 20 pounds.

For a Friend
One summer afternoon at the beach (me in my large cover-up, as usual), my friend Jill mentioned that she was going to join Weight Watchers meetings in the fall. I couldn't let her down when she asked me to join the meetings with her – I figured I might lose 10 pounds and that would be awesome.

As soon as I started following the POINTS® Weight-Loss System, I began to lose weight. Soon, I was getting compliments from everyone I knew, and shopping for clothes became a big treat—every month I was a new size. By the time I hit goal, I had gone from a size 12 to a size 4!*

Losing Together
Along with Jill and me, a few other girlfriends joined Weight Watchers at the same time, so we were great resources for each other in terms of finding places to dine out – we love going for sushi, and we avoid Italian restaurants and buffets. My husband and the kids still order desserts, but I steer them towards restaurants like Applebee's, where I choose items from the special Weight Watchers menu.

Building Strength
Before joining Weight Watchers, I had no fitness routine; once I started losing weight, something clicked inside of me. I joined a women's-only gym with a circuit training program and started going three days a week. I met tons of women who were doing Weight Watchers, and we had plenty to talk about, so workouts seemed to go fast. I gradually became strong enough to do real military style push-ups (something I couldn't even do in my 20s!). I began to feel more athletic, and I've come to love spinning class. I even ran my husband's Corporate Challenge 5K last summer!

I'm in Charge
I feel a tremendous sense of confidence these days. I changed my hairstyle and got a brand new wardrobe—I look years younger! Knowing that I have complete control over my body and my health is the best feeling of all.

Lauren's Tips:

  • When you start the plan, do a large grocery shopping trip immediately and buy lots fresh fruits and veggies, plus some desserts that are low in POINTS values for a treat.

  • Plan meals and snacks in the morning, noting their POINTS values, so that the day is all mapped out.

  • If I have a bad day, I go to and read a Success Story! Hearing about someone else's journey is an inspiration (not to mention those before and after photos).

  • Whenever you buy a new food, figure out the POINTS value and write it on the box or label before putting it away.

  • Always keep baby carrots or a healthy snack on hand, especially in the car.

  • After 9pm, I watch TV in the bedroom instead of the family room so I'm not as tempted to walk over to the fridge and search for something to eat while sitting on the couch.

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