Success Story - Kristin

How many times do we just let things slide a little and then over time realize that we should have caught things earlier. It is nice to look back on the week and see if we are going in the right direction or if we have been cheating a little to much and maybe been a bit lazy. On the other hand a good or great week when we look back on it can really help motivate us to do it again! Kristin shows us all how you can let things slide and then suddenly get that wake up call looking at vacation pictures.

The secret to Kristin's 54-pound* weight loss? The ease of the online plan. "It does everything for you!"

I love Weight Watchers Online because it's dummy-proof. It's so easy! There's no calculating—just type in what you've eaten and it does the math. I firmly believe that if more people knew about it, there would be more Online Achiever™ stories. So I talk about my experience with Weight Watchers Online to practically everyone I meet.

A Mortifying Wake-Up Call
After getting married and having three kids, my formerly effortlessly slim body had packed on 60-plus pounds. Still, it wasn't until we developed the pictures from a vacation to Hawaii that I was jolted back to reality. I was mortified at the way I looked! So I joined a gym, but since it didn't even occur to me that I also needed to modify my diet, I didn't lose any weight. Finally, when our gardener asked if I was pregnant, I faced the fact that some eating changes were in order.

"My portions were out of control!"
I considered, then quickly rejected, low-carb diets—they just weren't realistic! But I liked the sensible approach of Weight Watchers, and when I researched it, I saw they had an online plan. How could I not try it out? Using the tools and reading the resource guides, I quickly realized two things: how huge my portions had been, and how the fat grams can really add up (all that olive oil, butter and red meat!). I followed the POINTS® Weight-Loss System religiously, measuring everything to keep portion sizes in check and keeping an eye on my fat intake.

Exercising for Fun—and a Shapely New Body
The other thing I did was up my exercise. Today I'm addicted to working out purely for the fun of it, but it's also really helped in maintaining my goal weight. I do classes (especially step and spinning) almost daily, but I also run to shake things up, and I recently started strength training to speed up my almost 40-year-old metabolism. I just feel so alive when I'm working out—when I miss a day, I'm genuinely disappointed! And though I weigh more than when I was 20, I'm two sizes smaller and I feel sexy again.*

Consistency = Success
The weight loss changed my life. Now I can wear anything, go anywhere, without feeling self-conscious—it's so liberating. I think the key to the plan is consistency. Holidays can be hard, for instance, but the worst thing you can do is take two weeks off: you'll never get back on track. Keep recording everything you eat, sample small portions at the holiday table, and most of all, try Weight Watchers Online! It's a no-brainer.

Weight Watchers has changed the way Kristin does everything, from underwear shopping to indulging in pecan pie:

  • On her sweet tooth When she needs chocolate, a Weight Watchers frozen dessert works as well as a candy bar: "I can't say enough about the SmartOnes® Mississippi Mud Pie."

  • On controlling portions She keeps portions in check by putting her measuring cups and kitchen scale to work—at every meal: "This is the only part of the plan that requires any work at all, but you have to do it."

  • On looking at dinner Tallying POINTS values taught her that even good-for-you foods, like chicken, can break your budget when you're eating them in big portions: "I learned to use the visual cue of a deck of cards or the palm of my hand for a 3- or 4-ounce serving."

  • On working out She gets totally inspired by seeing fit 60- and 70-year-olds at the gym: "That's how I want to be in a few decades, too!"

  • On vacationing She's anything but a beach bum now: "I went hiking on our last two camping trips, and I'm planning to bike down a volcano when we go to Hawaii next June."

  • On pecan pie It's her favorite, and she's not going to deny during the holiday season: "But only a small slice. My willpower is much stronger now."

  • On Victoria's Secret Yes, she shops there now, and confidently: "I'm wearing underwear I'd never worn before!"

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