Weight Watchers Success Story - Suzanne

Many of us have gotten the inspiration to do better and to succeed by finding role models on the web. I hope that this inspires you to start or to continue on your weight loss journey.

When Suzanne approached a milestone birthday, she set a goal for herself—and Weight Watchers helped her achieve it.

My mother, sister and brother are all very slim, but I took after my father. I graduated from 8th grade weighing more than my adult goal weight. The scale went up and down throughout my 20s, but as I approached 30, I committed to a diet plan for that milestone birthday, and I lost 100 pounds. I kept that weight off for 10 years, but gained it all back in my 40s.

Fateful Web Surfing
Heavy again, I was nearing my 50th birthday. One night, my husband logged onto the computer and I asked him to look up the closest Weight Watchers location. He responded almost immediately—apparently, he had just seen a Weight Watchers ad onscreen. I took that as a sign!

A Golden BirthdayI wanted to reach my goal weight by the time I turned 50, and when I joined Weight Watchers meetings and started following the POINTS® Weight-Loss System in January 2003, I had a little over a year and a half to do it. For me, personal ambitions were essential—I would set weekly and monthly goals for the meetings. Weighing-in was a huge motivator for me, and my Leader and other members were invaluable for tips and support (bragging when I lost a few pounds wasn't too bad, either!).

Downsized—and Spreading Success
I've gone down nine dress sizes, and my old shoes are too big*! I even found time to work as a Weight Watchers receptionist since I found their support so encouraging as I was going through the program. My husband eats the same foods I do, so he's lost weight too.

I look and feel younger, and have energy I haven't felt in years! Not only can I walk up stairs without getting winded—I can speed walk! For exercise, I use the Weight Watchers workout DVD: I started with light intensity moves, then graduated to moderate ones, and now I'm up to the high intensity workout. I used to be "too busy" to exercise, but now I make the time after work and before dinner. I even sleep better now.

I stuck with the program, and it was—pardon the expression—a piece of cake!

Suzanne's Tips:
I like to eat in volume to get the biggest bang for my buck.

Find your favorite zero POINTS values foods and go to town! I love to mix string beans with canned stewed tomatoes and sliced mushrooms—you get to eat so much!
  • As my Leader says, "Christmas is a day, not a week." You can splurge a little on the holidays, but the day after Christmas, you're back on program.

  • You'll have good weeks and bad weeks, but keep the bigger picture in mind to keep focused and on track for the long haul.

  • Really follow your Leader's suggestions—after all, she's the expert, right?

  • Find a meeting you love—there are usually several that are close enough to attend. The weekly group support was the most important aspect of my weight-loss success.

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