Weight Watchers Success Story - Celeste

Success stories are a great way to motivate as I have said before. look at how Celeste related to things the same way as you do and how she blossomed with the changes that she made.

Now that she's lost 19 pounds* using the POINTS® Weight Loss System, this Weight Watchers Online subscriber has totally revamped her wardrobe.

I was tired of covering up. More accurately, I was tired of feeling like I had to hide my body with smocks and other figure-disguising outfits. My husband and I were planning a trip to Hawaii with another couple, and I desperately wanted to take along bikinis, spaghetti strap tops and shorts instead of my usual fat "uniform."

No More Guesswork
Weight Watchers Online was the perfect plan for me. I work all day and at night I don't want to leave my kids once I'm home. I didn't have to; the computer made everything so easy. I'd boot up and there was all my information. Weight Watchers Online kept track of everything – including my weight-tracking day. My POINTS Tracker held a list of my favorite recipes, along with their POINTS values. The Recipe Builder helped me to see how making my family's favorite dish – jambalaya – using fat-free sausage and brown rice instead of white was much healthier. On the Web site, I found Success Stories of women whose stories sounded similar to mine and I taped them to my wall for inspiration.

Thinking Thin
During the week I found it relatively easy to follow the plan, but come Friday night the binge opportunities multiplied. At restaurants I would typically order a full dinner and would eat every bite because "it's a shame to waste food." Entertaining at home involved offering guests copious amounts of snacks. But I solved my dilemma without sacrificing my lifestyle. I started truly watching my thin girlfriend – she doesn't rip into a bag of chips. She cooks chicken 1000 different ways and has a lot of salads. Instead of envying her, I began mimicking her. At restaurants I'd forego the appetizer and skip the bread. I now love the crisp taste of salad without dressing. When we entertain I'll still serve cheese blocks with crackers but I'll also have grapes, olives and garlic Melba toast with salsa.

Unpacking Her Bags
I reached my weight goal four months after starting Weight Watchers Online* – one day before I headed to Hawaii. It was a fabulous trip. I had no excess baggage, literally or figuratively. My proudest moment was heading to the swimming pool on the top floor of our hotel wearing a bikini and no cover-up. I thought, "No one is judging me. Finally I feel just like everyone else."

Celeste's Tips:

  • The grocery list I hand to my husband is very specific. It says "Oscar Meyer Fat Free Hot Dogs" and other foods culled from the Weight Watchers Food Guides.

  • Movie theater popcorn is ridiculously fattening. I microwave my own and sneak in a small bag of reduced-fat popcorn.

  • Even though I'm on maintenance, I still track my POINTS values.

  • I'll have a handful of pretzels before leaving the office. That way I won't arrive home ravenous and ready to tear apart the house.

  • If you have trouble getting used to small portions, remind yourself, "It took a while to develop a bad habit; it'll take a while to develop a good one."

  • If it's not in your pantry, you won't eat it.

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