Krill Oil Supplement for me

I have switched, maybe temporarily from Omega 3-6-9 pills once a day to Krill Oil capsules instead. I have heard a little bit about Krill oil and after having looked around it seems like it may be a good supplement in exchange for my Omega fish oil pills but only time will tell.

Benefits of Omega Vitamins

Omega vitamins are very good for us as they help out, or are credited with helping out with lots of things, my wife just calls them heart pills but they are so much more. Most of the time Omega vitamins are associated to fish oil as this is the best source of Omegas. Here are some notes from a Wikipedia page on Fish oil:

  • Cancer - Several studies report possible anti-cancer effects of n-3 fatty acids found in fish oil

  • Cardiovascular - A 2008 meta-study by the Canadian Medical Association Journal found fish oil supplementation did not demonstrate any preventative benefit to cardiac patients with ventricular arrhythmias

  • Mental health - Studies published in 2004 and 2009 have suggested that the n-3 EPA may reduce the risk of depression and suicide.

  • Alzheimer's disease - According to a study from Louisiana State University in September 2005, Docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid often found in fish oil, may help protect the brain from cognitive problems associated with Alzheimer's disease.

  • Lupus - In a Northern Ireland study, lupus disease activity, especially in the skin and joints, was significantly reduced in patients who received fish oil supplements at both 12-week and 24-week follow-up periods versus patients who received placebo.

  • Parkinson's disease - A study examining whether omega-3 exerts neuroprotective action in Parkinson's disease found that it did exhibit a protective effect in mice.

  • Depression - Several methodologically rigorous studies have reported statistically significant positive effects in the treatment of depressed patients

  • Psoriasis - Diets supplemented with cod liver oil have shown beneficial effects on psoriasis.

  • Pregnancy - Omega-3 protect against fetal brain injury and promotes fetal and infant brain health. Some studies reported better psycho motor development at 30 months of age in infants whose mothers received fish oil supplements for the first four months of lactation.

I have been taking these pills for years and have never had any of the side effects such as stomach upset or fishy breath smell.

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