Weight Watchers top 50 tips part 1

I was over at epinions.com and ran across a list of 50 ways to make Weight Watchers work for you. Hope you like these tips. Remember if you just make a single change to your lifestyle a day you will be a differnet person, good or bad in 30 days. I have made notes to some of these just to give my two cents about what I think.

1. Journal journal journal. You absolutely cannot keep track mentally of what you consume on a daily basis. You are bound to forget that handful of pretzels or that snickerdoodle. Write it down and own up to eating it. BITE IT WRITE IT! Also remember to journal all of your exercise as you will then be able to see over time what motivates you to exercise and what holds you back.

2. Drink drink drink. Sip water all day. Eventually it adds up to the required 6 glasses you need. Not only will you feel more full at mealtime, your body will be happy because it is hydrated. Some people I know also swear by drinking skim milk as it sometimes seems to fuill you better than water. Also remember that Weight Watchers wants you to drink lots of water.

3. Have a glass of soda when hunger strikes. This is a personal tip I use to curb hunger. A diet Pepsi is sweet enough to curb my longing for a treat and the carbonation will help you feel satisfied.

4. Buy precut, pre-bagged finger veggies like carrots and peppers. Then when you feel a need to gorge on food, you can gorge on these for crunch and for a satisfying VOLUME of food. This only works if you need massive quantities of food, not if you have a chocolate attack. Also just think about how many carrots that you can eat in a day and how many Weight Watchers points that would be. Try a different vegetable a week to fill you and keep things interesting.

5. Buy bagged salads. They are infinitely better than a head of iceberg lettuce. It adds a touch of gourmet flair to your meal and gives you more vitamins and nutrition than plain old varieties of lettuce. And they are delicious. Shoot for baby greens and arrugula blends.

6. Buy grape tomatoes instead of large beefsteak ones. They look better tossed in salad, they are sweeter and they don’t need to be cut. Also, they are good snacking foods!

7. Buy I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter butter spray. It is very low in calories and provides the same great taste as regular margarine.

*Hmmm I am not ever sure about this. It may be lower but these cooking sprays always say that they have no fat and in fact they are entirely fat...just not very much per spray*

8. Use Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone for point values of tons of popular restaurants and for snack ideas. Her website is www.dwlz.com This will give you a chance to see how mnay Weight Watchers points you are eating at a restaurant.

9. Air pop your popcorn instead of buying microwave popcorn. Then add the butter spray and you get TONS more popcorn for less Weight Watchers points.

10. Buy Skinny Cow flying saucers when you want flavor variety for your dessert. Weight Watchers, I’ve found, only come in vanilla and chocolate. Skinny Cow brand comes in those two flavors AND coffee, strawberry, and strawberry cheesecake. And all for just 2 points! These things are great by the way. We all love them at my house

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