Weight Watchers Success Story - Lisa

I found this great Weight Watchers success story from Australia. It seems that people have had success everywhare on Weight Watchers. Lisa story is a classic story of just watching the points and seeking the support that she needed. And of course a health scare will always put people into ACTION.

Lisa had tried lots of quick fix diets but with Weight Watchers she mastered the winning habits that helped her lose weight and keep it off.

Lisa's challenge
Lisa had been overweight for 4 years and found herself feeling depressed and tired all the time. "I had no energy to play with the kids and hated shopping. I would dread summer because the clothes always made me feel uncomfortable and never looked good on me!"

She says she tried a lot of 'quick fix' diets but none worked. "Then I realised that a diet was not the answer."

Lisa's wake-up call
After the birth of her son Lisa's doctor told her she had gestational diabetes and was at risk of getting type II Diabetes. She had to lose weight. But her wake up call came later at her sister's boyfriend's 21st birthday party. "Everybody looked so glamorous, especially my sister but I was so conscious of my weight that I couldn't enjoy myself. I felt like everyone at the party was looking at me saying 'that's the fat sister'. I joined Weight Watchers soon after."

Lisa's journey to success
"I used to eat half a packet of biscuits at night with husband, but now I have two Weight Watchers biscuits instead and I always make sure they fit within my daily POINTS allowance. When I was overweight I hardly ever exercised. But now I've mastered the MOVE habit and I go walking and swimming at least 3 mornings a week. I really enjoy it."

Family support
Lisa found the support of her husband and family essential to her success. My husband has been telling people how proud he is of me for losing weight. And when I get back from my Meeting every week my 4 year old Adrian asks me how I went.

Just in time
Some of the benefits and changes to her life, since she lost the weight, have come as a bit of a surprise. "I notice the difference with little things as well as big ones. It takes me half the time to get dressed because clothes look better on me and I'm not forever changing."

This has meant she's no longer late when she goes out and her husband is happier. She says the big changes have included having more energy, generally feeling better and happier, and being able to better enjoy her time with her children. "I take the kids for a lot more walks to the park."

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