Weight Watchers Success Story - Renita

This is a great story that I believe that almost anyone can relate to. Renita lost weight and talks about her fear of gaining it back again. Sometimes we are not willing to go that extra mile in case it does not work out but read this story and realize that you only live once. Change now and be that way forever.

As her weight climbed, Renita's confidence plummeted. After losing more than 96 pounds,* she's rediscovered self-respect—and found a new love, too!

Growing up, I always heard, "You're such a pretty girl, but… you should lose a little weight." My parents were great—they loved the person inside of me—but as my weight climbed I felt less and less confident, and I lost respect for myself. So how could other people possibly respect me?

Losing for Life
I had tried dieting in the past, but it wasn't until I had a bad asthma attack that I realized how out of control my weight had become. The doctor told me I was a perfect candidate for gastric bypass surgery, and she wanted me to meet with a surgeon that afternoon! I told her that I wanted to lose weight on my own first—I wasn't ready to go under the knife. This time, it wasn't about having the body to go with my "pretty face"—I had to lose weight to live.**

I tried plans with pre-packaged foods and dietary restrictions, but they just didn't work for me. When I joined Weight Watchers meetings and started following the POINTS® Weight-Loss System, I lost weight the first week!* After I'd dropped 20 pounds, people started noticing. My manager at work even greeted me after he knew I'd been to a meeting by saying, "How'd we do?" My biggest boost has come from my daughter, who's 20—she brags about me constantly.

Movin' and Shakin'
Two years ago, I would have driven around a parking lot for half an hour looking for the closest spot, but now I park far and walk. I love to stretch my legs. And I go to the gym four days a week—working out is my salvation. I don't eat my Activity POINTS values, and I know that if I do eat something above my POINTS Target, I'll just enjoy a walk later on to work it off.

Happy Days
My life has changed so much since I've lost the weight. Most recently, I found out I was a runner-up winner of the Weight Watchers Then & WOW! contest (read more about the contest here) and I've spent a wonderful few days in New York where I had lunch with the Duchess of York and met Betsey Johnson, who designed a dress I wore in a runway show!

And glamour and glitz aren't the only positives in my life. I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I met this summer—and he is so encouraging about my success. Don't pinch me if I'm dreaming, I tell people. I just keep saying "Wow" when I think of all the good things in my life, and I truly believe they have happened because I love myself now—and that makes it possible for other people to love me.

Renita's Tips:

  • Remember how far you've come and how hard you've worked for each pound you've lost—that'll make the temptations easier to avoid.

  • I had a regular Wednesday night date with co-workers for drinks and bar food—but it's just as much fun to gossip with a diet soda in hand.

  • Carrots are a perfect crunchy snack! I joke that I've eaten so many I should have x-ray vision by now.

  • My mom was president of the clean plate club, and my military dad taught us all to eat very fast. Breaking old habits is key—and the first step is to be aware of them.

  • Tell co-workers about your efforts, and get their help! It's easier when people know not to tempt you with baked goods and snacks.

  • I love to walk, but I live in a cold climate so I know I won't be outside during the winter. I plan to use home workout equipment then—it's all about being prepared!

  • When I think about the possibility that I might gain the weight back, I just remind myself that there's no way I can afford to buy bigger clothes again!

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