Weight Watchers Success Story - Cassie

Ever thought of bribing yourself to hit your Weight Watchers goals, or any of your goals for that matter? Cassie did exactly that. She had an agreement with her husband that if she was successful on Weight Wathcers then he would buy her some earings. The earings are now in her jewellery box.

My husband bet me "big honkin" diamond earrings that I couldn't lose the weight I wanted to. "You're crazy," I told him. "There'd be nothing left of me — I'd be skinnier than I was in high school!" Even though my husband's offer didn't have an expiration date, it still didn't manage to motivate me.

I wasn't overweight as a kid, but in college I kept gaining gradually. I put on 10 pounds during my first year of work, and another 10 during my first year of marriage. The weight just kept creeping on.

I joined Weight Watchers meetings and started following the POINTS® Weight-Loss System in March 2000. My weight loss was always kind of slow, but it was steady. By the time I got pregnant in October 2000, I had lost 17 pounds*. Of course, I had to stop Weight Watchers, but my new habits helped me to have a healthy pregnancy. In the seven months I had been on Weight Watchers, I had changed a lot of my habits. I ate more consciously, including more fruits and veggies — and my new healthy habits helped me to maintain good nutrition. Plus, I was still walking two miles a day, even by the end of my pregnancy.

My daughter was born at the end of July the following year, and I lost the pregnancy weight with no extra effort by the time she was three weeks old.* In November I started back on Weight Watchers weighing less than I had when I left to have my baby.

I'm a lot more active than I was before, which allows me to keep up with my daughter. She loves to be outside and go for walks in her stroller. She climbs into the stroller and says, "go," encouraging me to take her for a walk when I'm not even planning to go out.

I ran my first 5K race in November 2002! I had a great time and felt a super sense of accomplishment.

I also get great pleasure from seeing others join Weight Watchers based on my success. My sister and mom have both joined, as has as a co-worker.

I am now a size 8* — something I never thought possible. For the first time in my life, I am buying fitted clothing, instead of long, baggy clothes. Of course, the new clothes look even better with the huge diamond earrings I have to wear with them!

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