Weight Watchers Success - Caryn

Weight Watchers attracts all worts of people. Some want to lose 20 pounds, some want to lose 100 pounds. This weeks profile Caryn lost just over 83 pounds in less than three years. congratulations Caryn.

When the little brother of one of my best friends died of cancer at only age eleven, I realised with a shock how precious life is. His was tragically over; mine was still before me, yet I was overweight and miserable. I decided right then to start living life to the fullest, and that meant doing something about my weight. I'm only sad it took such a tragic event to motivate me.

The Buddy System
My boyfriend's mother, Darcy, had been talking about Weight Watchers for some time, so I asked if she'd join meetings with me. What a difference having a buddy makes! That first week we either ate dinner together or called each other every night, which helped get me off to a great start as I learned my way around the POINTS® Weight-Loss System. I also made sure to track everything I eat (it still keeps me from slipping) and frequently visited the Weight Watchers Online message boards and Success Stories for inspiration.

Seeing the Light: Veggies taste good!
Already I felt healthier, and we started a friendly competition to see who could lose faster. I had always assumed I wouldn't like vegetables unless they were fried, so I was amazed to find that zucchini, broccoli and green beans are delicious! I eat them in creative ways, like folded into pitas or on a turkey burger. We still eat out, but I've learned to choose healthy but satisfying items like grilled chicken with a baked potato. As for fast food, I rarely set foot in those places anymore, except for coffee.

A trade-off she'll never regret
Was it hard to give up all the junk food—the cheesecake, croissants, fries? Not a bit! I'd rather eat healthily and be thin than have all the junk in the world and be heavy again. I love wearing cute clothes, especially since I used to dress mainly in men's jeans and t-shirts. People treat me better, and my self-confidence has skyrocketed. I've never been used to compliments and attention, so when I got the call at work that I was chosen for a makeover and photo shoot, I almost fainted! It was one of the greatest experiences of my life, and meeting all the other women there made me realise how many lives Weight Watchers has changed. Most of all, it was a way to mark the debut of the new me. Sometimes I wish I'd done this earlier, but to be honest, I think I wouldn't have been ready. I joined Weight Watchers meetings when I was a year out of high school, in a transition period, and the timing was just right to trade in the old me for a happier, healthier one, forever.

Caryn's tips:

  • Dry cereal makes a great low-fat snack, especially when you're craving something sweet and crunchy.

  • Don't pressure yourself to start exercising right away. As you lose, your energy will increase and you'll naturally want to work out more.

  • Get family and friends involved! Caryn's boyfriend would wait by the phone after every meeting to hear about how her weigh-in went.

  • Join with a buddy! Caryn always attended meetings with Darcy, and they would often celebrate afterwards by eating pizza—and counting all POINTS values!

  • Don't stress if it seems tough at first, because eating healthy will eventually become second nature to you. Caryn might have a bite of her grandma's eggplant parmesan at the holidays, but she knows her limits and sticks to them.

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