Weight Watchers success story - Bruce Edwards

Apparently the Oregonian newspaper has a weight loss success story every day in the paper. This is a really great thing to have. I have no problem keeping up with what is going on in Jessica Simpson's life but it would be nice if the news instead had more success stories of real people and their lives. Here is a guy who lost 46 pounds in 11 weeks, not to bad and all on Weight Watchers.

Please note: Each day features a new online weight-loss story submitted by a reader of The Oregonian. The Oregonian does not endorse any particular weight-loss method.
I have lost 46 pounds in 11 weeks using the Weight Watchers program.

I stepped on the scale at my work one day and it read 272. It was then I admitted to myself that I was getting fat. I thought to myself, I have a newborn son, and I want to be able to run and play with him when he is older without getting winded. So I decided to do something.

I joined a Weight Watchers center near my house and have had nothing but success. I have taken up walking -- I bought a treadmill. I walk six nights a week for one hour, and I watch my points. As of Jan. 27, I weighed 226 and need to lose 16 more pounds to get to my goal. I know I will have no problem doing so, because if I ever get off track, I just look at my new son and then myself, and then to the future.

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