Congratulations, now keep it up

Well, here we are in the middle of February now and all of the excitement of the New Year is just a distant memory. Most people that start a new diet and fitness program such as Weight Watchers start it on New Year’s Day and those people are much less likely to succeed so if this is how you got started on your Weight Watchers journey then this post is for you.

Now that you have been at Weight Watchers for a month and a half now it is time to assess your results and measure your success. Have you had success? Have you had to buy any new clothes because the old ones don’t fit? Have there been road blocks? Have you had your share of problems, maybe to many offers of high point foods? Really you have to be proud of where you are now. The lifestyle that you have chosen with Weight Watchers is something that has allowed you to make changes in your life that millions of people have not had the courage to take and are suffering because of it.

Now is also the time for you to make new realistic goals for the next few months. Now that you have had a taste of success and challenge with Weight Watchers you can see where you will be this summer, whee you will be next new years and evern where you will be in 5 or 10 years time.

The possibilities and opportunities from now on are endless for you. Congratulations on getting this far and good luck going forward!

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