Weight Watchers - Success Story Jean

A Disappointing First Week
I joined Weight Watchers meetings, but unlike some people, who lose more weight the first week, I lost only one pound! You can imagine my disappointment — after totally changing my habits by recording everything, eating tons of fruits and vegetables and going from the ultimate couch potato to a mile-a-day treadmill walker, I wanted that big bang! But I forced myself to look at the big picture: After 10 weeks, one pound per week adds up to 10 pounds. If you look at my membership book, the weekly losses may seem small, but the total is still nearly 50 pounds!* So newcomers can take it from me — don't get discouraged!

Lunchbag Smarts
One thing that helps keep me motivated is my husband's support. He has always led a healthy lifestyle, so he was thrilled to welcome me to his world. He's the one who encouraged me to start running instead of walking, which made a huge difference. He also packs my breakfast and lunch and cooks dinner (veggie-packed Asian stir-fries with lots of ginger and garlic are his specialty). And his work has paid off: He says I'm a new person now, with twice the energy I used to have!

The Creep-Up Challenge
About five months after I reached goal, I got just a little too comfortable again, and I let my weight creep up about seven pounds. That's maintenance for you: You get to this comfort level, stop tracking your POINTS values, skip a dairy or get lazy with your vegetables. I had to step back and re-assess. I told myself, "You made this commitment to yourself, now the last thing you want to do is blow it." Turns out, that setback was a gift — a reminder of how far I've come and how tragic it would be to go back where I came from. Now I'm back to the basics, re-focused and feeling great about it!

Jean Loves:

  • Filling out a shrimp dinner with loads of veggies (it fills the plate so you feel like you're eating a huge meal).

  • Her morning high-fiber cereal. She used to have a muffin or Danish for breakfast and then feel hungry an hour later.

  • The Newbies Message Board on WeightWatchers.com, where old-timers are always around to give freshmen a pep talk.

  • Shopping! She wears only skirts, dresses and heels now, instead of her former black pants "uniform."

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