Success Story - Deborah from Ontario

Here is a nice story during the crunch in the holiday time now. I hop that this inspires you!

A former junk-food junkie, Debora from Ontario has changed her ways, and now she indulges in her favourite treat, potato chips, every couple of weeks instead of every night. Since losing weight, Debora now has the energy to chase her kindergarten-aged children around everywhere, even participating in gym class with them!

Weight Watchers: What made you decide to join Weight Watchers?

Debora: After I had my first child, I went to Weight Watchers and lost all the pregnancy weight. And then I got pregnant twice more. Finally, when I knew I wasn't having any more children, I decided enough was enough.

Weight Watchers: What was different for you this time?

Debora: One day I was going up my stairs and I ran out of breath, and I said to myself, this is wrong. I said no matter how long it takes me, I am going to make it to the end.

Weight Watchers: Have you faced any particular challenges as a Canadian on the Weight Watchers Plan?

Debora: I find the winters easier when it comes to the food part of the Plan. It's harder when it comes to exercise because I like being outdoors. In the winter, I do a little less because I have to exercise inside the house, and it's boring. As a teacher, the summers are harder for me because I am on vacation. I am always visiting people, traveling, going to barbecues, the beach, and I am generally on the go. Also, the refrigerator is right there, whereas at work, it's not.

Weight Watchers: How do you deal with these challenges?

Debora: I always go to Meetings, no matter what.

Weight Watchers: What have been some significant changes in your lifestyle?

Debora: Learning not to overeat. I used to eat chips every night, and junk food, and I have learned to enjoy other types of snacks, and only to have a treat once in a while. Learning to say no. It is very hard to unlearn years of habits. Counting POINTS made me realise how many POINTS certain foods cost, and what I was eating.

Weight Watchers: What is the biggest difference you notice about yourself?

Debora: I can now do activities with my little students who are 3, 4 and 5 years old. I join in their gym lessons; I do a lot of activities with them whereas before I would make excuses for not joining them. Even for the first snack of the day, I insist on a healthy snack. The little ones drain you physically, but now I am not as drained at the end of the day and I can go home and give my own children attention.

Weight Watchers: What would you say to someone who was starting the Weight Watchers Plan today who had over 100 pounds to lose?

Debora: I would say, "what a great idea, go for it!" I have one good friend who started the Plan in January, and she finds some weeks harder than others. I used to go to my Meetings on Monday, and then go with her to her Meetings on Thursdays too. I know how tough it can be, and I also know how important Meetings are.

Favourite Canadian low-POINTS Snack Foods
Quaker® Caramel Rice Cakes, strawberries and pineapple with ultra low-fat Cool Whip, pretzels

Favourite Weight Watchers Feature
Success Stories and Recipes

Words to Live By:
Never give up.

Most Important Tip:
Always go to Meetings, always Journal

Best Benefit
Feel healthier, more energy, I can do more at work with the young kids I teach

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