Efficient Exercise and Smart Nutrition

It is pretty obvious why more and more people are overweight. With all the modern conveniences, people are no longer walking or riding bicycles to work or school. People are doing less and less yard and house work. Everyone is becoming more sedentary at work, at school, and at home. We are not playing outside as much and running around as much. Instead we are watching TV, doing work on computers, surfing the internet, or playing video games. We are simply not moving our bodies as much as in the past and this is taking a devastating toll on our health and well being.

You Need To Change

Something has to be done about this. The solution lies within you. You must take action to educate yourself and then to nurture yourself back to optimal health and fitness. A good starting point is through admission. Our modern world is very demanding and it is quite understandable that you may feel a little overwhelmed, tired, fatigued, and drained. It is okay to admit this and begin your calm surrender. In fact, the most important step is to first acknowledge the need for change.

Proper nutrition is essential. A balanced and healthy diet can be very difficult to achieve in our busy modern world. Today, more than ever before, we need to pay very close attention to what we putting into our bodies. We should change our diets to avoid many of the modern man made substances we ingest. Believe it or not, there are many people today who are significantly overweight yet they are very hungry all the time. This is because they are consuming many foods and beverages that have very empty calories and their bodies are actually undernourished.

Are You Malnourished?
Yes, can you believe this? Many people today are overweight but are actually malnourished! There is a need to evaluate daily nutrition and improve it. What are you putting into your body on a daily basis? Have you researched what you should and should not be eating and drinking? There is tremendous controversy in this area, however, look for the common threads. These are things most professionals agree upon such as: Drink purified water. Drink mostly water for your daily hydration. Most people are not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables. This is another great source of hydration.

Drink and eat out of glass containers instead of plastic whenever possible.Drinking soda or pop is not good because it is loaded with chemicals, preservatives, additives, sugar, and carbonation. Most fried foods are very bad for you because the oils contain the worst type of fat and these fats tend to go rancid. Most "fast foods" are bad for you for the same reason listed above under fried food. Eating 5 times a day with 3 healthy meals plus 2 healthy snacks is better than 3 heavy meals. Eating a full meal after 6pm at night is not a good idea because digestion will use lots of your energy and interfere with sleep. Whole foods are the best answer. And there are many more common threads about nutrition to consider. We challenge you to research this area rigorously and change your diet for the better based upon your belief system and findings. Simply improving upon the food you eat, water you drink, and basic exercise you perform can make a significant and lasting difference in your life. You are faced with nutrition choices every day. Choose wisely.

What is Efficient Exercise?
Efficient Exercise is the key for long term good health. Over-training can be worse than under-training in many cases because over-training can cause injury and fatigue. Before starting any new exercise program, you should consult with your physician. Beyond that it is critical to use efficient and intelligent methods to improve your flexibility, endurance, strength, and stamina. There are many simple techniques that you can start right away to improve your core and your foundation that will produce excellent health and fitness benefits in the long term. A balanced body is a very worthy goal that will allow total wellness to flourish in your life. The benefits of exercising have been proven to improve health for so many reasons. Exercising and keeping your body in good physical condition can lead to a highly efficient natural detoxification system that is vital to disease and illness prevention.

Exercising intelligently and efficiently is the key for long term good health. As a starting point, take a serious look in a long mirror. Look at your body facing directly in the mirror. Now turn to the side and review your profile. How is your posture? Are you out of alignment? Are your shoulders raised up near your ears or behind you, down on your back and relaxed? Is your head, neck, shoulders, hips, knees and feet in proper alignment? Have you been evaluated by a professional licensed physical therapist, doctor, Pilates, or yoga instructor recently? What would they say? Do you sit at a desk in front of a computer for your job?

Do you sit excessively during the day at your job and again at night on the couch at home? Do you experience aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, and back? Proper posture especially in this day and age is critical to restoring balance and wellness in your life. Our modern lifestyle tends to over develop the front of our bodies and neglect our backs. Muscles, especially in the back, abdomen, and legs, become very weak over time. These core muscles are the most important yet are often the most neglected.

The basic components of an intelligent, efficient, exercise program include the following: Consultation with your physician. Cardiovascular risk assessment. Consultation with a licensed physical therapist and other professionals such as credible, qualified Pilates or yoga instructors. Cardio / Endurance training (walking, swimming, biking, etc.). Flexibility training (basic stretching, Yoga). Strength training (Pilates, basic weight training, yard work). Relaxation training (meditation, music). Find an "accountability partner" to exercise with. You can motivate each other significantly.

A critical element of proper exercise is the core training. This is the foundation upon which you build. In today's busy modern world we all are faced with limited time and money. This is why learning how to do key flexibility, strength, and endurance exercises quickly and efficiently is critical. As with nutrition there are many so called "experts" out there. As a foundation, I do perform several core strength exercises using Yoga and Pilates principles daily. A balanced body is a very worthy goal that will allow total wellness to flourish in your life.

It is Well Worth Making Changes
There are many things you can do to significantly improve your health and well being. Don't give up, stay positive, and fight back. You can do it! Try to work on all health elements (attitude, passion, nutrition, exercise, rest & relaxation, detoxification, hobbies, etc.), but be sure to zero in on the two key elements of smart nutrition and efficient exercise. Simply improving upon the food you eat, beverages you drink, and exercises you perform can make a significant and lasting difference in your life.

The author is a continuous improvement consultant and web developer with a passion for health, fitness, life balance, and total wellness. He is the creator of BestExerciseAbs.com, a website dedicated to weight loss, smart nutrition, efficient

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