Shaken by the possibility of having breast cancer, Nancy decided it was time to change her life.
Two things happened in the same week to make me realize that it was time for me to start losing weight. First, I saw photos taken of me at a friend's party. As I looked at them, I realized that they all couldn't have been taken at bad angles or in unflattering positions. I was heavy, and that was why I looked the way I did.
Later that same week, I found a lump in my breast. In a panic, I made an appointment to get checked for breast cancer. On my way to the doctor's office, I decided that no matter what I learned that day, I would turn over a new leaf.
Immediately after the checkup, I went home and subscribed to Weight Watchers Online and started following the POINTS® Weight-Loss System. Thankfully, later that week, I received the news that I had a clear mammogram. Nonetheless, I set out toward a new way of life.
Monthly Pass Pioneer
I enjoyed the online plan and quickly involved myself on the message boards. I met a fantastic group of ladies from my area, who kept in touch on a "staying local" thread. I relied on them to help me learn the details of the plan and understand the online tools. They've been an essential and daily part of my success.
After two months of following the plan online, I realized I wasn't holding myself accountable to tracking my weight each week. I'd sometimes miss a week or two because I didn't follow the plan or didn't want to see the numbers. Honoring my promise to embark on a new lifestyle, I decided it was time to join Weight Watchers meetings in addition to using the online tools. I joke that I was a pioneer Monthly Pass member. I just couldn't get enough of Weight Watchers.
I had great success using both eTools and meetings in tandem. The meetings keep me accountable, and the online tools are with me wherever I go. The 24/7 access to WeightWatchers.com is invaluable, as I travel extensively for work and am a new mom. I adopted a baby recently and used Weight Watchers as an anchor during the difficult adoption process.
Model Behavior
I love being on Weight Watchers. I know that I'm modeling good behavior for my daughter and will raise her in an environment of healthy living. I'm proud to know that I have health and fitness knowledge to share with her. Bundling meetings and the online tools has helped me move away from a "diet" mentality that plagued me, and could have plagued her. I'm stopping that painful cycle, and it makes me feel great.
In Progress
Although I'm still in the process of losing—I've not yet reached my weight goal—I feel fabulous. I dropped several sizes and became active again. The greatest hurdle I face is getting my mental image to catch up to my physical appearance. I don't always see the skinnier me. Along the way, I've made a conscious effort to reward myself and set goals. I celebrate every five pounds lost. (See "Tips and Rewards" video, above.)
One-Minute Principle
I had always been very active, until a serious back injury sidelined me for years. To change my life, I needed to find a way to build up stamina and become active again. I decided I'd take a "one-minute" approach. One minute of movement is better than none and I literally started with one minute. Today I'm training for a half marathon; I lift weights and do yoga and Pilates. I keep it interesting by taking the occasional dance class or going for a swim. As a mom, wife and business owner, my workouts are critical to my peace of mind and social life. In fact, most of my social activities now center on physical activity instead of eating.
Friends and family are surprised that I've taken to Weight Watchers with such a passion. They have never seen me so healthy and happy. None of them doubt that I will make it all the way to my weight goal, nor do I!
Nancy's Tips
* New moms who are sleep-deprived should make time for exercise. It'll give you the energy and the endorphin boost you need to get through the long days and nights.
* Be intentional about your healthy lifestyle. Don't leave it up to chance
* Use size, fitness levels and your weight as measures of your success. Don't get overly focused on just one. Take your measurements when you start the plan.
* Learn the plan. Don't assume you know it or have it mastered. There's always more you can learn about health and fitness.
* Look at every 5-pound loss as a major success. Reward yourself and celebrate what it took to get each of those 5 pounds off.
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