Free diet software

This week I have a couple of things to tell you about. I have found a couple of great diet related software programs and I have found and just wanted to let you know of a review that I did.

OK, first of all do you know what freeware is? Well freeware are programs that software developers have created and give away for anyone to use. I have found a couple of great pieces of freeware software for people looking to eat better.

The first one is for Weight Watchers members, or at least people that are following weight watchers. The program is called WW Points Calc and it is a Weight Watchers Points calculator. You install and then just plug in the calories, fat, and fiber and you can click on one button and it will tell you what your points are for that food.

The second program is a recipe manager that I have been using lately. Recipe Manager has a giant database of foods that tells you how much fat, carbs, protein, calories and nutrients are in those foods. This program will make it far easier to see how good or bad a food is for you.

One more thing that I want to tell you about this week is a review that I did for Vince DelMonte's Muscle building program. This is a program that is not for everyone.

In fact if you are dieting and trying to lose weight is may be a lot better to use Fat Loss for Idiots or Burn the Fat which I have also reviewed, Vince Delmontes program would definitely not be for you.

But the Muscle Building program is great for anyone struggling to gain muscle, especially for summer, then Vinces program is probably going to be great, check out the review that I did .

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